Welcome to Episode 22 of Beekeeping Buddies. The podcast where Steve and Luke talk about beekeeping in the Central Illinois area.
Around the Yard:
- Break in the Winter: A break gives us a peek at some of Steve's hives.
- Yucatan Honeybee Update: Luke went to visit some Mayans in the Yucatan Peninsula and got to work some Africanized bees, and also visted some Apis Melapona bees!
- HOIBA Meeting Speaker: Joe Curless is a farmer who is working with clover as a cover crop for his farmland that keeps weeds down, lowers erosion, and improving pollinator habitat.
In the News:
- Dalan Animal Health: We get to talk to Everett Hendrixon from Dalan Animal Health about their AFB vaccine!
Honeybee Hotline:
- Wanting to Exit: How do you exit from beekeeping and what to do with your equipment and bees.
- Expanding Your Apiary: Our opinions on how to expand your apiary.
Tune in to Episode 22 for all this and more as we delve into the world of beekeeping in Central Illinois, providing you with practical advice, the latest news, and answers to your buzzing questions.
Riverivew Road Apiary: https://riverviewroadapiary.com/
Heart of Illinois Beekeeping Club: https://hoibees.org/
Dalan Animal Helath: https://dalan.com/
- Contact Information
- Phone Number: 941-549-4971
- Email: ehendrixon@dalananimalhealth.com
American Bee Journal: https://americanbeejournal.com/
Beekeeping Buddies Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/beekeepingbuddies/
Ian Steppler Vaccination Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz_DBItMu3w
Winter Losses 2024-2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGxjbZPQExQ